• @blakestaceyMA
    291 month ago

    Working in the field of genetics is a bizarre experience. No one seems to be interested in the most interesting applications of their research. […] The scientific establishment, however, seems to not have gotten the memo. […] I remember sitting through three days of talks at a hotel in Boston, watching prominent tenured professors in the field of genetics take turns misrepresenting their own data […] It is difficult to convey the actual level of insanity if you haven’t seen it yourself.

    Like Yudkowsky writing about quantum mechanics, this is cult shit. “The scientists refuse to see the conclusion in front of their faces! We and we alone are sufficiently Rational to embrace the truth! Listen to us, not to scientists!”

    Gene editing scales much, much better than embryo selection.

    “… Mister Bond.”

    The graphs look like they were made in Matplotlib, but on another level, they’re giving big crayon energy.

    • @Soyweiser
      141 month ago

      Am i misunderstanding the data? No it is all the scientists who are wrong. (He is also ignoring the “scientists” who do agree with him, who all seem to have a special room for ww2 paraphernalia)

        • @Soyweiser
          1 month ago

          That there is a secret group of scientists who know something is up and they are suppressing this technology.

          watching prominent tenured professors in the field of genetics take turns misrepresenting their own data

          • @liminal@lemmy.ml
            -81 month ago

            I meant to know their misunderstanding of the data regarding eugenics, though I’m no longer hoping to get that here.

            secret group of scientists

            The text you’ve just quoted says that it is all geneticists that are unwittingly wrong, the precise opposite proposition than the one in your attempt to paint their discourse with the purples of crackpot conspiracy.

            • @Soyweiser
              1 month ago

              Ow wait you weren’t asking me to explain what I meant, you were asking me to defend the correctness of the professors in genetics vs a crackpot at an event where I wasn’t, nor am I qualified as im not a professor in genetics, nor is Yud, after I just mentioned that I don’t think unqualified people are talking about this. So you were trying the Socratic method? How is that working out for you?

              The text you’ve just quoted

              Yes, and im quoting the LW crackpot, they are not saying they are unwittingly wrong, it is hinting at that they are intentionally wrong. (Using some very dodgy analogies (no making a chicken bigger isn’t like creating a 14 foot human that is a crazy comparison due to the whole thing in biology where stuff works differently at different scales (see also the strength of ants), it is powerful hype language however) and unscientific shit (the random asspulled graphs)). Also note that his whole article is using their fears of AI to promote that we should do more eugenics (using the weirdest logic imaginable, we should take care not to make mistakes and do everything slow in AI so we need to do eugenics fast) and that the professors are wrong/keeping back. And this is just what I can come up with after quickly skimming parts of the article (I don’t have the time/energy/expertise to do more anyway, I mean imagine if I had to look up all the literature they reference and see if it is correct (all 5 of them, I mean you did notice that there were only ~5 links to actual scientific articles right? Not an amount of backing I would want to base my political actions on (you also noticed that right?))). It also hits classic crankery levels, not only are the professors missing/suppressing something this thing is also a revolutionary thing which could save humanity. (also note he admits that the technology of editing babies on one gene is not solved yet (but they are close). Which should make you wonder why they are dismissive of ‘ethical issues’).

              It also doesn’t help that your reactions are pattern matching the ‘im just curious, could you explain yourself’ kind of person we used to get on r/sneerclub who 90% of the times wasn’t curious but actually was just very pro race science or an annoying contrarian debatebro with yt induced brain damage (which got them banned very quickly, so word of warning).

              E: and ow, you did notice that people in the comments are trying to say they should the guy who was recently famous for being able to keep his arm down into this right? (Fucking Ents who are pretending that the rest of the world doesn’t affect them).

              • David GerardOPMA
                141 month ago

                the user has been gently directed to the debate club

                • @blakestaceyMA
                  101 month ago

                  I was tempted to give them their free ticket to the egress for saying “paint their discourse with the purples”.

            • @scruiser
              1 month ago

              Soyweiser has likely accurately identified that you’re JAQing in bad faith, but on the slim off chance you actually want to educate yourself, the rationalwiki page on Biological Determinism and Eugenics is a decent place to start to see the standard flaws and fallacies used to argue for pro-eugenic positions. Rationalwiki has a scathing and sarcastic tone, but that tone is well deserved in this case.

              To provide a brief summary, in general, the pro-eugenicists misunderstand correlation and causation, misunderstand the direction of causation, overestimate what little correlation there actually is, fail to understand environmental factors (especially systemic inequalities that might require leftist solutions to actually have any chance at fixing), and refuse to acknowledge the context of genetics research (i.e. all the Neo-Nazis and alt righters that will jump on anything they can get).

              The lesswrongers and SSCs sometimes whine they don’t get fair consideration, but considering they take Charles Murray the slightest bit seriously they can keep whining.

        • @froztbyte
          131 month ago

          a fairly sizable chunk of everything, generally.

    • @skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de
      1 month ago

      Working in the [field] is a bizarre experience. No one seems to be interested in the most interesting applications of their research

      depending on field, it might be crackpottery or straight up criminal. but if you post shit like this on linkedin, then it’s suddenly “inspiring” and “thought-provoking”

      Our knowledge has advanced to the point where, if we had a safe and reliable means of modifying genes in embryos, we could literally create superbabies

      and from that point on it’s all counterfactual

    • @V0ldek
      728 days ago

      Working in the field of genetics is a bizarre experience

      How the fuck would you know that, mate? You don’t even have a degree in your field, which, let me remind you, is (allegedly) computer science. Has Yud ever been near an actual genetics professor?

      • @skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de
        528 days ago

        these posers would repost “i fucking love science” on facebook but clearly never came back home in dead of the night after 13-hour shift in lab smelling of cum and mothballs because of a minor accident that nevertheless allowed to push envelope of known world just that little bit farther

  • @Soyweiser
    1 month ago

    So AGI is 0.5-2 years away. After which the singularity happens and due to AI alignment we either are immortal forever, or everybody is diamondoid paperclips.

    A normal human takes 18 years to grow to maturity. So for the sake of the argument (yes yes, don’t hand it to ISIS) a supergene baby can do that in 9 years. (poor kid). Those timelines seem at odds with each other (and that is assuming the research was possible now).

    I know timelines and science fiction stories are a bit fluid but, come on, at least pretend you believe in it. I’m not saying he is full of shit but… no wait, I am saying that.

    • @aio
      1 month ago

      As we know, the critical age for a boy genius is somewhere from 11 (Harry Potter) to 15 (Paul Atreides), so the gene-enhanced baby ought to have a fair shot after a few months or so.

      • @V0ldek
        628 days ago

        I don’t think Harry was much of a genius, unless you mean Harriezer from MoR in which case lol, lmao

        • @aio
          427 days ago

          I did yes :)

  • David GerardOPMA
    1 month ago

    Superbabies is a backup plan; focus the energy of humanity’s collective genetic endowment into a single generation, and have THAT generation to solve problems like “figure out how to control digital superintelligence

    The academic institutions in charge of exploring these ideas are deeply compromised by insane ideologies. And the big commercial entities are too timid to do anything truly novel; once they discovered they had a technology that could potentially make a few tens of billions treating single gene genetic disorders, no one wanted to take any risks; better to take the easy, guaranteed money and spend your life on a lucrative endeavor improving the lives of 0.5% of the population than go for a hail mary project that will result in journalists writing lots of articles calling you a eugenicist.

    oh no, not a eugenicist!

    • @gerikson
      141 month ago

      I got caught on that quote too…

      Superbabies is a backup plan; focus the energy of humanity’s collective genetic endowment into a single generation, and have THAT generation to solve problems like “figure out how to control digital superintelligence”.

      Science-fiction solutions for science-fiction problems!

      Let’s see what the comments say!

      Considering current human distributions and a lack of 160+ IQ people having written off sub-100 IQ populations as morally useless […]

      Dude are you aware where you are posting.

      Just hope it never happens, like nuke wars?

      Yeah that’s what ran the Cold War, hopes and dreams. JFC I keep forgetting these are kids born long after 1989.

      Could you do all the research on a boat in the ocean? Excuse the naive question.

      No, please keep asking the naive questions, it’s what provides fodder for comments like this .

      (regarding humans having “[F]ixed skull size” and can therefore a priori not compete with AI):

      Artificial wombs may remove this bottleneck.

      This points to another implied SF solution. It’s already postulated by these people that humans are not having enough babies, or rather the right kind of humans aren’t (wink wink). If we assume that they don’t adhere to the Platonic ideal that women are simply wombs and all traits are inherited from males, then to breed superbabies you need buy-in from the moms. Considering how hard it is for these people to have a normal conversation with the fairer sex, them both managing to convince a partner to have a baby and let some quack from El Salvador mess with its genes seems insurmountable. Artificial wombs will resolve this nicely. Just do a quick test at around puberty to determine the God-given IQ level of a female, then harvest her eggs and implant them into artificial wombs. The less intelligent ones can provide eggs for the “Beta” and “Gamma” models…

      But you don’t go from a 160 IQ person with a lot of disagreeability and ambition, who ends up being a big commercial player or whatnot, to 195 IQ and suddenly get someone who just sits in their room for a decade and then speaks gibberish into a youtube livestream and everyone dies, or whatever.

      These people are insane.

      • @gerikson
        1130 days ago

        esprit d’escalier

        this whole “superbabies will save us from AI” presupposes that the superbabies are immune to the pull of LW ideas. Just as LW are discounting global warming, fascism etc to focus on runaway AI, who says superbabies won’t have a similar problem? It’s just one step up the metaphorical ladder:

        LW: “ugh normies don’t understand the x-risk of AI!”

        Superbabies: “ugh our LW parents don’t understand the x-risk of Evangelion being actually, like, real!”

        • @blakestaceyMA
          830 days ago

          Don’t think in detail about the future superintelligence that can hug you and turn you into TANG!

        • @o7___o7
          30 days ago

          this whole “superbabies will save us from AI” presupposes that the superbabies are immune to the pull of LW ideas.

          Well, if they fall for less wrong, then we know they’re not all that smart

      • @V0ldek
        928 days ago

        Artificial wombs may remove this bottleneck.

        Okay but this is an amazing out-of-context sentence. I will croudfund a $1000 award for anyone who is able to put that sentence into a paper and get published in Nature without anyone noticing.

      • @V0ldek
        728 days ago

        195 IQ and suddenly get someone who just sits in their room for a decade and then speaks gibberish into a youtube livestream and everyone dies, or whatever.

        I can’t even decipher what this is about. Like if you’re 195IQ you can invent Avada Kedavra in a decade?

        • @AllNewTypeFace@leminal.space
          628 days ago

          I think he means that the Nam Shub of Enki is real, and the only reason we can’t remotely five-finger-death-punch all the normies with it is because so far nobody has been sufficiently brilliant to discover it.

          • @V0ldek
            228 days ago

            Ye, so essentially a wireless Avada Kedavra, cool cool cool, completely chill and sane thing to believe

      • @istewart
        630 days ago

        Once again, the Yuddites pine for MODOK

      • @Amoeba_Girl
        426 days ago

        Science-fiction solutions for science-fiction problems!

        Hey it’s just like The Clockwork Rocket if Greg Egan was an AI-doomer, an idiot, a nazi, and hated fun!

  • @lurklurk@lemmy.world
    171 month ago

    I feel coding people like they’re software might not be much better than coding software to pretend it’s people

    Don’t get sucked into a eugenics cult

    • @swlabr
      91 month ago

      You are right, but the Wronger chuds are way too far up their own buttholes to figure this out

      • @Soyweiser
        131 month ago

        You don’t understand, it is important to look at all diverse viewpoints (no not those), there might be some good ideas up there.

    • @V0ldek
      628 days ago

      I feel coding people like they’re software

      Jesus christ can you imagine segfaulting someone’s kidney

  • @scruiser
    1 month ago

    My favorite comment in the lesswrong discussion: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/DfrSZaf3JC8vJdbZL/how-to-make-superbabies?commentId=oyDCbGtkvXtqMnNbK

    It’s not that eugenics is a magnet for white supremacists, or that rich people might give their children an even more artificially inflated sense of self-worth. No, the risk is that the superbabies might be Khan and kick start the eugenics wars. Of course, this isn’t a reason not to make superbabies, it just means the idea needs some more workshopping via Red Teaming (hacker lingo is applicable to everything).

    • @scruiser
      1230 days ago

      One comment refuses to leave me: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/DfrSZaf3JC8vJdbZL/how-to-make-superbabies?commentId=C7MvCZHbFmeLdxyAk

      The commenter makes and extended tortured analogy to machine learning… in order to say that maybe genes with correlations to IQ won’t add to IQ linearly. It’s an encapsulation of many lesswrong issues: veneration of machine learning, overgeneralizing of comp sci into unrelated fields, a need to use paragraphs to say what a single sentence could, and a failure to actually state firm direct objections to blatantly stupid ideas.

  • @mountainriver
    1529 days ago

    We do not understand genetic code as code. We merely have developed some statistical relations between some part of the genetic code and some outcomes, but nobody understands the genetic code good enough to write even the equivalent of “Hello World!”.

    Gene modification consists of grabbing a slice of genetic code and splicing it into another. Impressive! Means we can edit the code. Doesn’t mean we understand the code. If you grab the code for Donkey Kong and put it into the code of Microsoft Excel, does it mean you can throw barrels at your numbers? Or will you simply break the whole thing? Genetic code is very robust and has a lot of redundancies (that we don’t understand) so it won’t crash like Excel. Something will likely grow. But tumors are also growth.

    Remember Thalidomide? They had at the time better reason to think it was safe then we today have thinking gene editing babies is safe.

    The tech bros who are gene editing babies (assuming that they are, because they are stupid, egotistical and wealthy enough to bend most laws) are not creating super babies, they are creating new and exciting genetic disorders. Poor babies.

    • @scruiser
      929 days ago

      My understanding is that it is possible to reliably (given the reliability required for lab animals) insert genes for individual proteins. I.e. if you want a transgenetic mouse line that has neurons that will fluoresce under laser light when they are firing, you can insert a gene sequence for GCaMP without too much hassle. You can even get the inserted gene to be under the control of certain promoters so that it will only activate in certain types of neurons and not others. Some really ambitious work has inserted multiple sequences for different colors of optogenetic indicators into a single mouse line.

      If you want something more complicated that isn’t just a sequence for a single protein or at most a few protein, never mind something nebulous on the conceptual level like “intelligence” then yeah, the technology or even basic scientific understanding is lacking.

      Also, the gene insertion techniques that are reliable enough for experimenting on mice and rats aren’t nearly reliable enough to use on humans (not that they even know what genes to insert in the first place for anything but the most straightforward of genetic disorders).

    • @froztbyte
      329 days ago

      there’s been some (what appears to me to be) remarkable progress in the field, in that I know that it’s possible to create intentional structures. it’s very much not my field so I can’t speak to it in detail, I think the best way I could describe where I understand it to be is that it’s like people building with lego, if that makes sense?

      but yeah it’s still a damn far way off from what we’d call “gene programming” as we have “computer programming”

      • @rook
        1129 days ago

        I wouldn’t say that modern computer programming is that hot either. On the other hand, I can absolutely see “no guarantee of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose” being enthusiastically applied to genetic engineering products. Silicon Valley brought us “move fast and break things”, and now you can apply it to your children, too!

      • @mountainriver
        629 days ago

        That is cool.

        I am not a geneticist, but I have had reasons to talk to geneticists. And they do a lot of cool stuff. For example, I talked with geneticists who researched the genom of a hard to treat patient group to find genetic clusters to yield clues of potential treatments.

        You have patient group A that has a cluster of genes B which we know codes for function C which can go haywire in way D which already has a treatment E. Then E becomes a potential treatment for A. You still have to run trials to see if it actually has effect, but it opens up new venues with existing treatments. This in particular has potential for small patient groups that are unlikely to receive much funding and research on its own.

        But this also highlights how very far we are from understanding the genetic code as code that can be reprogrammed for intelligence or longevity. And how much more likely experiments are to mess things up in ways we can not predict beforehand, and which doesn’t have a treatment.

  • @TinyTimmyTokyo
    131 month ago

    One of the most important projects in the world. Somebody should fund it.

    The Pioneer Fund (now the Human Diversity Foundation) has been funding this bullshit for years, Yud.

  • @blakestaceyMA
    131 month ago

    But could even a generation of Johns von Neumann outsmart the love child of Skynet and Samaritan from Person Of Interest?

  • @ShakingMyHead
    121 month ago

    “Fund my company and your child might live to adulthood and/or have sperm that glows green.”

  • Sailor Sega Saturn
    29 days ago

    Help an unaligned cigar smoking super boss baby got out in Chicago and put that baby’s spell on me to force me to work at a paperclip factory :(

  • @istewart
    71 month ago

    If we’re casting eugenics warriors, at least Ricardo Montalban had some bodacious pecs

  • @Amoeba_Girl
    628 days ago

    I’ve played Geneforge. This is going to go badly for everyone involved.

    • @Amoeba_Girl
      828 days ago

      The gratuitous hate for washing machines in this is so funny. Dudes rock.

      • deborah
        28 days ago

        I could trivially create an entire libguide dedicated to peer reviewed publications about how washing machines completely, fundamentally reshaped society. They (when combined with other electrified household labor saving devices) possibly caused more social change than computers. Non-automated laundry is so labor intensive that in pre-industrial societies, even the very poor often paid to send their laundry out, like baking bread only more so.

        Like you said, dudes rock.

  • @Amoeba_Girl
    28 days ago

    The French urologist by day eugenicist transhumanist crank by night Laurent Alexandre had an interesting perspective on the subject fifteen years ago. We should do eugenics and edit our brains to be better so as to counter the emergence of Artificial Intelligence. The robots will replace us if we don’t do rigorous embryo selection.

    Incidentally he also warns that a modern day Stalin in possession of nanomachines and gene editing technologies would create what he terms “neuro-gulags”.

    I don’t remember seeing Lesswrongers play with these sorts of ideas, which is a little surprising. But they’re reluctant to diminish the AI’s omnipotence I imagine.

    • @froztbyte
      27 days ago

      I don’t remember seeing Lesswrongers play with these sorts of ideas

      the all-defector in rajaniemi’s books probably sits pretty close?

      (I still can’t tell if rajaniemi’s actually really into all this shit, or just found it all to be a highly convenient backstory for some entertainingly detailed scifi)