From “Keith” in the comments, “You bought a Cyber truck because you wanted attention. You’re getting attention. What’s your beef?”
Couldn’t agree more
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I was taking a right turn out of a convenience store driveway the other day, waiting for the traffic to go by, and noticed the driver, a female, was apparently laughing hysterically at my truck. She was alone, pointing at my truck and laughing hard.
a female
Yeah, sounds like a Cyber truck owner
It seems like there’s a correlation between people that refer to women as “females” and people that don’t treat women well.
It’s almost like using a term typically reserved for livestock betrays that you see women as below you.
Nah, don’t lump farmers and such into this, please. Cows and bulls, hens and roosters, nannys and billys, sows and boars. There are also words for modified gender/castration similar to agender: steer, stoat, gelding, bellwether.
Depending on the situation it can be fun to ask, “A female what?” Try to get them to say human.
I’m almost sad I’ll never be able to point and laugh at one. The Cybertruck is so badly built, it’ll never be allowed on European roads.
That’s a big reason I shake my head at them when I see one. Brescia that are an affront to the collective safety of the rest of us.
I cycle (though at this point I try to stay off busy roads and on divided lanes), and the thought of a collision with one of these is terrifying.
I shake my head at jacked up bro dozers the same way. They all scream insecurity.
Like, even ignoring Musk’s whole everything now, it’s just one of the ugliest vehicles ever designed. Regular Teslas at least look okay if you ignore Musk himself, but the cybertruck looks like they just took a particularly untalented 1st grader’s drawing of a vehicle and just went “Make that”
And that alone would be enough, but add to that the fact that they cost about 100 grand a piece, and yet they are essentially held together with bubblegum and shoestring. Bro, you paid a year’s worth of salary for the average middle class person to drive around an ugly, falling-apart piece of shit created by a fascist. Yeah. We’re gonna point and laugh at your dumb ass.
$100k is about the average household income in the US, the average single income is about $67k. So about a year and a half of the average wage. And median income is much lower (median household income is about $44k) indicating that high income households have a much larger effect on the average than low income households so the average middle class individual income should also be much lower than the average individual income.
$100k is about the average household income in the US, the average single income is about $67k
Not on Lemmy
Exactly, the stainless steel “exoskeleton” is glued to plastic and pieces are coming unglued while driving. The towing thing is attached to a cast aluminum frame and multiple people have had it break while towing. It’s a terrible car, and most owners are insufferable people.
There was this great meme going around years ago when the truck was announced that had a crayon drawing of it and “by Elon” written shakily in big letters like a child would use. I’ll see if I can find a link.
Edit: it’s on the shitty website we all left, but:
You can also download the image and repost it to a lemmy instance like I’m doing here … then no one has to go back to the old site
I’m just impressed that Elon finally made something worse than the Harambe rap.
the what
For the love of god don’t look it up. If you’ve made it this far without hearing it, just count your blessings. It’s worse than you can possibly imagine.
You have no idea how much pain I’m willing to inflict on myself in order to get the reference. Your warning has been heard, but it will not be heeded
Edit: oof
Aw shucks, I’m honored to have my foolishness immortalized
So, now that you have the benefit of hindsight, what do you think? Was the warning justified? Is your relationship with curiosity still the same?
It was pretty cringe, the lyrics were god awful and they were way too liberal with the auto tune. Thankfully Elon is so unimaginative that he couldn’t think of more than one verse for his war crime of a song so there weren’t any surprises after ~10 seconds in. I would say the warning was justified, but a little overstated. I thought we were gonna be on Angelic 2 the Core levels of bad and it was just Friday bad. My relationship with my curiosity remains the same. As long as it isn’t (real) gore, I’ll probably click on it
What is Harambe rep? I only know it is apparently “starting point of things going wrong”
Harambe rap
It genuinely gives the Pontiac Aztec a run for its money in terms of “holy fuck that is ugly”
That thing makes the Aztec look positively sleek by comparison
Don’t devalue the Aztec for this. Yeah it was clad in tons of plastic and had a grill that was way too busy but it wasn’t shockingly ugly like the cyber truck.
I’m laughing here because I realized that’s almost certainly what happened, Elon mocked up a picture himself or dictating to someone else of a truck that he thought would look cool and then told the poor engineers and designers “make this.”
I can easily imagine that, too. I saw an early concept render that went around a decade ago or so when I worked in a design office, and we half- joked they’d accidentally released a low-poly model by mistake. Or it was some sort of weird joke we didn’t get.
It’s so ridiculous and broken, it has Musk’s fingerprints all over it (and good luck; fingerprints are near-permanent on that ludicrous metal finish they chose.)
I actually like the general look of it, though it’s done poorly. I want SO MUCH to drive a low-poly vehicle reminiscent of some 80’s retrofuturism racing video game. But I fear the massive failure of the cyber truck will scare anyone away from taking a stab at the concept.
The Hyundai Vision N 74 concept is a much better take on 80s retrofuturism imo.
Apart from the S which looks good despite being too big, do people really think Teslas look good? Ok the cybertruck is the ugliest one by far but model 3 and Y are not great.
They’re inoffensive, at least. Boring is better than hideous, I suppose.
What do you mean by inoffensive? As in not dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists?
I mean that their design is conservative and does not take risks. Even pretty cars are dangerous, this is unrelated.
Got it, thanks
He laments people laughing at him, and likens his purchase of the cybertruck to that of the Toyota Prius. Unfortunately, what he fails to consider, is that the Prius is an economy car. You can make fun of a crappy car, but that mockery ends before it affects the owner, because the majority of us understand that buying a car is more of a financial matter, rather than one of taste. i.e. most of us buy the car we can afford, not necessarily the car we want.
That goes out the window when you take into consideration the cybertrucks price tag. If it was an economy electric car (like the Prius), we would poke fun at the vehicles design and that would be it. But this is a bloated, over-priced, unreliable, gimmick truck; whose only purpose is to serve as an ego-boost to one of the richest, dumbest men on the planet. The man that got bullied into buying and abruptly tanking one of the largest social media companies in the world. The same man jumping around like a pick-me dipshit at a fascist rally for a convicted felon, bankrupt businessman, convicted rapist, and self-described sex-pest.
People can laugh at not just the cybertruck, but also the owner; because paying what amounts to a third of a fucking house so you can fanboy a man sure to go down as one of histories most public dumb-asses, makes you ripe for ridicule (and deservedly so).
Agree 100%. Also, re. “a third of a house”; I bought an old (1941) but comfortably livable 2 bedroom house with garden and driveway in Columbia, South Carolina for only $86k last year. Most of the cyberfuck owners paid MORE than my house for their dumb cars…
well said, kudos
because paying what amounts to a third of a fucking house so you can fanboy a man sure to go down as one of histories most public dumb-asses, makes you ripe for ridicule (and deservedly so).
Hey, Memericans, do Apple next.
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This reminds me - I saw spinner wheels in public for the first time in probably 15+ years yesterday. I was genuinely shocked to see them. Man I hope they do not make a comeback.
Spinners are dope! I wouldn’t buy them but they are certainly unique and flashy.
Friend of mine got spinners on his cheap ass Toyota a couple years back because they all got ditched after the craze ended
If you know where to look you can get good ones for shockingly cheap, and putting them on old beaters or a Prius is fucking hilarious
At least spinners are good at what they do! The Cybertruck isn’t even a good truck.
I had spinner hubcaps on my clapped out 85 Monte Carlo in 2004, it was awesome.
Dude probably grew up around them, and now he’s all grown up and can finally afford them. Live and let live. At least it’s not a Hummer or a cyber truck
Spinners are purely an aesthetic choice though. This truck literally doesn’t even perform its function as a truck.
Some people work hard to tell everyone else that they are contemptible. It is now the job of society to make an artificial island in the middle of the Pacific so that they can live out the rest of their lives in a safe place, amongst their own kind.
Are you referring to the Great Pacific Garage Patch?
Great Pacific Garbage Patch kids!
Also known as Australia
I was watching the taxi thing, and they didn’t know on which sentence to cheer. Some would cheer when others cheered for no reason, but always sporadically between small groups.
It’s a cult and they reinforce their worth in their echo chamber (cyber chamber? No echo chambers work).
I like spinners and dont think they make someone an idiot. I probably won’t ever buy them myself but they are at least fun. I haven’t seen a set in ages though.
Are they not all electric?
I was convinced this was satire until I followed the link in the story for the Cybertruck forum where this was actually discussed.🤦♂️
His whining at the beginning certainly had me wondering too.
And then there are the comments – “There just haters there mad cause they can’t afford one them self’s…” Like really, did you even make it beyond third grade? And this is the kind of person who is sticking up for Cybertruck owners? Maybe there are a number of reasons why we point and laugh…
That’s the usual line I see. Buddy, I could buy one in cash tomorrow if I wanted. I’d rather put that money in a barrel and burn it to cook my dinner than spend it on the PS1 titty shape truck.
I don’t scowl at the guy in the white Lambo I see sometimes. I don’t frown when a Porsche flies past me on the interstate. Shit, even a brand new Corvette will get a “nice!” from me. If it were jealousy I’d hate all kinds of people.
Cybertrucks are just horribly ugly. So ugly it assaults your senses, I can’t help but think “oh that car hasn’t finished rendering” every time.
I’ve said it other places, but you don’t get a sense of just how bad they are until you see one in person. I don’t know if it’s that they’re a bit bigger than I thought, or that I’m used to seeing fake images of all sorts of things, but even though I’d seen pictures I was surprised at how bad they are in person. They’re cartoonishly awful.
Right? There’s a Countach that parks next door to my favorite bar pretty often on the weekends and I have not once pointed and laughed at it. That’s a vehicle I’ll never be able to buy but I’m not jealous. I’m jazzed to see it.
I’m not a car guy but even I think it’s cool as hell.
The difference between a Cybertruck and a Countach is the difference between a self-indulgent wiener and a connoisseur.
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Wow, did I hit that one or what? And it’s just so sad.
I think there is a large group of people in America who define their self worth based on how much money their family makes. For them they see the cyber truck as showing off their success.
Maybe this is just dumb rich people. What did they used to buy before this? Exotic cars that break down ever few hundred miles? Outfits that cost tens of thousands of dollars?
Putting the “dumb” in dumber. I don’t know how people can be so wasteful. I mean when I buy a car, I expect to not have to take it in for work for a very long time. Imagine my surprise today when I went to get an emissions test and found out the back end of my exhaust pipe has rusted off. The last time I had any work done on it (other than oil changes) was before COVID, when someone hit me. I drove my previous (first) vehicle for 24 years before deciding I needed to get an SUV for towing capacity. Man if I had that kind of crazy money to blow on a cheap cybertruck, I’d be using it for donations or something. I can “prove” my worth by the smiles at the children’s hospital.
I’m sure it is and outlets are just taking the bait because they know it’ll generate clicks.
But what made you think it’s not satire?
The link to the forum discussion in the article probably
There’s no way that’s satirical, there’s too much of it
Jesse, on his part, suggests Elon Musk’s controversial nature is to blame for the people laughing at him.
While I’m sure that’s part of it, mostly it’s just the fact that you blew 6 figures on a poorly assembled low res rust triangle
Exactly, few people are laughing at people in any other tesla. It’s specifically this vehicle because it’s a impractical hunk of junk AND ugly as fuck.
He says “a female”, then “a guy”.
No wonder they’re laughing. This guy’s a joke.
Anytime they say female, but don’t specify the species, you get to pick.
.::: spoiler Bookhorse
…he’s talking about two different drivers.
…oh boy. I’m guessing you call women females if you missed that one.
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Kinda funny heh
Quality post. I really did think I was reading an Onion headline.
And I have to admit, the first time I saw the guy in my neighborhood who bought one driving it around, I pointed and laughed too.
Kind of reminded me of this one.
That one’s a classic.
Or the one who catered my wedding
Bitch almost made me laugh
Wow! I skimmed through the article and legitimately thought it was an onion article until I read your comment.
The only one I see regularly is owned by a sneaker shop and has a tacky vinyl wrap with their logo.
Those ones we just refuse to acknowledge, corporations pay through the nose for attention, so don’t give it to them
It’s going to be glorious when an AI-powered trash truck empties the contents of a cybertruck in back.
My 6 year old son points and laughs at Cybertrucks. “It looks so weird. Why’s it so pointy?” Direct quote
Give your son a high five for me, and let him know that no one knows why it looks like that.
It’s like a Delorian gave birth to a defective baby.
At least the Delorian had character. You can’t say that about this abomination.
Truely a mystery for the ages.
They’re only laughing because deep down they know they’re beta-cuck manlets who will never be an alpha-chad like you. It’s an involuntary nervous reaction to feeling viscerally outclassed and unmanned by your aura of effortless brocious dominance.
lol, get CyberMogged
”I was taking a right turn out of a convenience store driveway the other day, waiting for the traffic to go by, and noticed the driver, a female, was apparently laughing hysterically at my truck. She was alone, pointing at my truck and laughing hard.”
First: lmao
Second: that’s it? You are like a little baby.
“a female”
Yep, that language checks out.
A female, guys. A femcel. Perhaps a femoid, by chance. Questionably a femur.
Grand Nagus approves!
It truly is like that Margaret Atwood quote, about men being afraid women will laugh at them, and women being afraid men will kill them.
Not just women. It is an absurd vehicle