There was that tweet from a few years ago about how so many old ladies on their death bed would confess to killing their husbands.
I’m starting to piece it all together.
Accidental home deaths plummet when divorce rates rise.
Wait, seriously? Do you have a source? Sounds like one of those spurious correlations to me.
You’ll be hard pressed to find causation unless you find a gaggle of grandmas confessing.
There’s a lot of herbology lore and stories. Maybe it’s all made up. But even today we find people poisoning their spouses and everyone’s reaction is always “why not just leave?”. So extrapolate that out and it seems reasonable.
I kind of feel like if I had enough wits about me, I would confess to a bunch of random shit on my deathbed just to go out on a positive note.
I mean even just from a totally innocent position, I’m exhausted right now and in the past month I’ve almost died falling down the stairs 5 times from the sleep deprivation (the ER is getting sick of my clumsiness)
I know I’ll sleep better once my cohabitation separation is finalised.
This morning I brushed my teeth with my partner’s athletes foot ointment. Didn’t even realise it tasted like ass and felt like wax until I was trying to spit it out and wondering why it was clinging to my teeth. I’m just not human anymore, I am physically and mentally burnt out carrying the entire cognitive and household labour load of the relationship for the last 10 years.
Based on the last sentence, it’ll get better. Just don’t beat yourself up if you’re not who you were before. A decade is a long time.
Yeah, you weren’t going to be the same person regardless. But also, things like that change you, a lot of things will change you. Life is about accepting where you are and making the best choices you can moving forward
Wouldn’t it be inverted? Don’t let women get divorced and they kill their husbands?
Yes exactly. Force someone to stay and they’ll find a way out.
When you’re not legally permitted to divorce, other means become necessary.
Goodbye Earl
I will never understand how anyone could come to thinking aspic was a good idea.
Kraft Heinz (makers of JELL-O) propaganda.
Literally, the reason food went to shit in the '50s was because that’s when all the shelf-stable and processed “convenience foods” that had been invented for WWII started getting heavily marketed to the public.
I mean… you have to imagine a world without refrigeration. Now it’s ubiquitous, we have it everywhere, you can even get portable battery-powered refrigeration boxes. But at the time, cold meant icebox… literally a box that you put a big block of ice in to keep other stuff cold.
You say “food went to shit” but all those things were a real change to the previous millennia of salted meats and pickled vegetables because there was no other way to keep food edible until the next harvest. It was new and interesting.
It was also tied up in modernist space-age utopian ideals about freeing housewives from drudgery and whatnot, and from that perspective, it wasn’t a bad thing.
But in retrospect (especially 2020s retrospect, seeing how corporations coopt and enshittify everything), the extent to which it was driven by cynical, gimmicky marketing is pretty darn repulsive. Think about how we have an entire generational set of “traditions” that are basically fake, invented by marketers:
- green bean casserole became a thing to sell Campbell’s Cream of Mushroom Soup and French’s Crispy Fried Onions.
- Betty Crocker was never a real person, but rather the persona of General Mills’ marketing department.
- Fuckin’ Santa Claus as we picture him in the US is basically a genericized Coca-Cola trademark.
Basically, every recipe from the '50s, if it says “one can of X” or “one box of Y” instead of having proper quantity measurements, was created as a ploy to sell those convenience foods and there’s something deeply cynical about that.
I dunno, maybe I just find it extra eerie because I understand it as the harbinger of the new gilded-age cyberpunk dystopia that we’ve created since then.
Oh, you are absolutely right. The whole concept of advertising as an industry happened during this period.
There is a pretty great documentary by Adam Curtis on this titled The Century of the Self, which focuses heavily on the influence of Edward Bernays. We are still dealing with the fallout of his impact on society:
Bernays used ideas of his uncle Sigmund Freud to help convince the public, among other things, that bacon and eggs was the true all-American breakfast.
There were real concerted efforts not just to get people to buy things, but to change the way people thought about things, and they were surprisingly effective.
And as far as the gilded-age cyberpunk distopia goes, I think All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace is a good follow-up. Curtis shows the overlap and collision of Randian philosophy (which influenced Alan Greenspan), the new field of ecology, and the growing digital computer revolution.
Taken together, I think these documentaries explain a lot of how we got where we are today.
It’s something I’m sure the internet can’t possibly relate to: brilliant and amazing, life changing innovations that by any metric should make life better in every way made into their worst selves as a means to maximize profits.
Like canned goods are amazing. In the same way advanced grain stores are the difference between starvation and survival in bad years, canning is the difference between a rough year of crap food and malnutrition. And in some contexts canned food introduces a level of convenience that’s worth the cost to nutrition and flavor. Canned beans are awesome. My wife and I consider “cream of x” soups to be Midwestern roux and see them as useful tools in our kitchen.
Then there’s the microwave and refrigerator that had genuinely huge benefits to everyday life and convenience.
But also everything you said is true. It permeated and destroyed our culture and communities. And our culture needed drastic changes, some of which they got. But it’s just like how women did need to enter the workforce for our safety and equality, but it should’ve been in such a way that each parent splits the professional and domestic labor rather than wages plummeting and now both parents need to work full time.
Just as I dream of a socialism in which the trains aren’t billboards but are instead a public good, I too dream of a world in which my casseroles can be made with cream of mushroom soup, not because Campbell’s taught my family to cook with their ingredients but because it’s a recipe where that’s the ingredient that works best. And because I’m very Midwestern, and casseroles are how we show love.
Aspic is about 500 years older than Kraft Heinz. I don’t think they’re behind its creation.
yes, but did its usage drastically increase because of mass marketing? your comment doesn’t contradict the comment you replied to.
It’s existed as a dish since at least 1375. Way before Heinz. And it was eaten all over the world with many variations. Your Heinz conspiracy is meritless. Read the link in the comment you replied to.
Kraft Heinz (makers of JELL-O) propaganda.
These sort of foods are often a lot older than even either of those companies
Interesting, I had never heard of this before.
I was immediately horrified, but it appears they date back to at least 1375 and predate fruit gelatin dishes, which makes sense considering gelatin is meat deprived. It also appears they were used for preservation, which… I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.
It being described as “essentially a gelatinous version of conventional soup.” And “like ruby on the platter, set in a pearl … steeped in saffron thus, like garnet it looks, vibrantly red, shimmering on silver” certainly piques my curiosity.
Properly prepared aspic is delicious, it was traditionally made to make use of leftover bits of slaughtered pigs (ears, hooves, snout) so that they don’t go to waste. Now those bits go into the gelatin industry but aspic can be bought in sausage form (presswurst).
Also a nice way to make use of the leftovers I learned about from my wife’s grandma:
Snuten un Poten (Low German for ‘snouts and paws’) is the name of a North German dish in which the parts of the pig were originally pickled in brine to preserve them. The cured meat is cooked for two to three hours with spices (bay leaf, juniper berries and peppercorns), removed from the bone and boiled for another 45 minutes with sauerkraut. Traditionally, the dish is served with mashed peas and spicy mustard.
Copied from Wikipedia, translated with DeepL.
Sounds delicious to me. I love most of the animal “waste products”. I still don’t like chicken liver or feet though.
Tf did you just say to me?
Lmao ‘meat deprived’ has me cracking up so I’m gonna keep it.
Why does this sound like a slur?
Without the “a,” it is a slur.
It also kind of sounds like “ass-pick” which makes it sound vulgar.
Unfortunate all around.
We have this in Ukraine. My grandma unironically loves it and cooks it from time to time. It’s basically jellified soup
Culinary disaster but I must say that it looks cool!
Looks so cool that I want to keep it contained in glass and left in a museum.
Don’t forget the lark’s tongue!
Great History channel (YouTube) video from Sohla El-Waylly about uses of OG aspic:
Холодец это вкусно!
I mean it tastes good so
Probably because it’s delicious.
At least bring back the cocaine in cough drops.
And codeine in cough syrup.
Seriously. If we’re really going to go back to the 1950s, then do it right, or don’t do it at all.
Snort asbestos and be a real man like your grandpa
Cigarettes with asbestos filters
Jello with floating cigarette ashes and mayo frosting.
I would joke about there being poison in this culinary sin experiment too, but I’m a millennial and you just don’t threaten a millennial with a shorter life.
Don’t forget starting every day with a glass of wine and some Valium.
Actually that’s not a bad idea, might make it easier to get through the next 50 years of hell.
And the lead and asbestos
Nah, no need to bring those back. The role is already filled by microplastics and PFAS
Pretty sure neither of those are new. Synthetic clothing and tires started after WWII. PFAS were used in nylon at the time and teflon was invented in 1938.
At least asbestos was useful.
90% tax on billionaires 1950s is what I am talking about.
That is the best part of the 50’s, although the clothing and cars looked pretty cool too.
god: Peter, they’re doing it again! Shrimp and radish in ground up pig and cow bone and parts. Why do they hate me?
Peter: I tried to tell them but they wouldn’t listen! Also they have a thing called pornhub now.
god: its a test.
I’m cool with not bringing it back to the 50s, I don’t wanna hear any shit about me being “the man of the house who is supposed to take out the trash and fix everything broken and be the breadwinner” or any of that type of shit either.
No mayonnaise?
It’s slathered atop the jello.
Vitamins AND protein, WITH dessert?
Sign me the fuck up
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They can take tacos from my cold dead greasy fingers, also my hand and wrist got some juice on it because I can get carried away with the sauce sometimes.
Okay have your tacos, and follow it with gelatina de mosaico! That’s cubes of fruit jello mixed in a base of tres leches jello. The fruit flavors can be made with real fruit and unflavored gelatin, if you’re an intellectual. 🧐
Miss me with that nonsense.
Okay, here’s some tacos for you then. If you’re not into home cooking, the last one is a visit to a taco stand in Monterrey. I like to watch her enjoy eating food.
No no no, we get to eat the tacos in the kitchen while we wait for the jello to set.
I’m a stay at home wife, I make sure my husband has a homecooked meal that I slaved over for hours! Like corned beef in aspic with celery jello salad.
Oops I didn’t make enough for myself, that’s okay I already had a taco as a snack, and my husband works so hard all day to support my life here in this kitchen so he deserves the whole bowl of jello to himself.
While he’s eating I’ll just add some things to the shopping list, we need more marichino cherries, and we’re out of rat poison.
I’m far from a traditionalist, and I know this is fake and a joke, but I’m bored on my lunch break, so I’m just gonna point out how I find it funny that you agreed to marry someone with different values than yourself, agreed to remain unemployed instead of finding childcare (if you can) or are blaming America’s childcare crisis (of which there is one, in case anyone was unaware) on your spouse, and live completely off your husband’s dime, and the poor sap can’t even get spared a taco that he bought all the ingredients for.
I’d like to tell you about a wonderful new invention, they call it “divorce.” Quit blaming everyone else for all your problems and leave, hell just “go out for a pack of smokes” and vanish into the night if you want, or take the gun he must be holding to your head and say “now you stay home and cook, I’m breadwinner now” and that’s awesome, I wish I could find me one of those myself, I’ll cook that woman some damn good meals and pack her lunch with a note and a goddamn kiss every morning, but you are the architect of your own misfortune and have the power to change your destiny in this situation.
That is all, back to joking lol I gotta clock back in now.
None of the options you named were available to a woman in the “great” days they want to bring back. Forced marriage, forced sex,forced childbirth, forced joblessness, it’s all in their goals. And in the new Great Days, surveillance will make even the strychnine solution impossible.
I’d like to tell you about a wonderful new invention, they call it “divorce.”
Yes exactly. No fault divorce is the simple and obvious answer.
That wasn’t an option for my mother or my grandmother. There was no way for a woman to initiate a divorce.
My mother couldn’t open a bank account in her name, she needed a man (her father, brother, or husband) to co-sign.
So “going out for cigarettes” also wasn’t easy, she could leave, sure, but once the cash she had in hand ran out, then what? Her income would still be going into her husbands bank account, she can’t change where the money goes because she doesn’t have any other bank account for her employer to pay into.
The Second wave feminist movement is what pushed to provide women the right to manage their own finances and affairs, and also gave us no-fault divorce laws.
So yes, “Quit blaming everyone else for all your problems and leave” is good advice for women who have the legal freedom to move about their country and be independent members of society. That hasn’t historically been the case, and it’s currently not the case for many women in many countries with different laws. Those women have fewer options, and rat poison is cheap.
Even with no fault divorce and the ability for women to own property, have a bank account, and work for an income paid directly to them, There will always be individually nuanced situations that are more complex and don’t allow for an easy exit, especially when domestic violence or financial abuse is involved. (eg: I’m working disabled, my boyfriend holds my medical guardianship, hypothetically, if we mutually broke up, I couldn’t make a “clean break” until I got that legal loose end tied up, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to book a doctor’s appointment or get a flu shot without my ex-boyfriend’s signature, and transferring guardianship takes months, and money. During a mutual break up that’s okay, but if I needed to “leave him” and he didn’t want his affordable maid and nanny to go, I’d have an incredibly difficult time getting my life back to myself… But fortunately it’s 2024 so there is a process I can follow, not every woman has had those same rights to leave like I have.
Jello is now a salad
In all of this she never said she even has the skills to cook. Looks like scammy trade to me.
In all seriousness, I know more men being good cooks than women.
Yea, cause cooking for your family is so oppressive.
Being forced to have a family and to have the specific role of cooking for them based on your gender is yes.
No one is forcing anyone to have family lol
Oh I must’ve been mistaken, I was under the impression that several states have banned abortion
They’re just gonna go with the classic slut-shaming “should keep her legs closed”, you know.
When in reality their mom should’ve.
I was under the impression that having sex was a choice? By both parties? Taking birth control or vasectomies? If you don’t want a kid, take the appropriate precautions or be abstinent. It’s not a hard concept to grasp that the main function of sex is to reproduce lol especially since 95% of abortions are elective.
Do I agree that it should be banned? No.
Do I think it’s not a priority because 95% of it is elective? Yes.
They also wanna get rid of no-fault divorce.
That’s what they say. I’m doubtful they’ll stop there
It depends on your choice, if that’s your only choice it is oppressive